1. Liability exclusion
1.1 stiftung elektro-altgeräte register ('ear') takes care to provide correct, up-to-date and complete information on its websites and to avoid technical disturbances, especially in regards to provided formats. ear changes or adds information continuously when necessary, without announcing so beforehand. Nevertheless, any liability or warranty is excluded for the correctness, quality, topicality and completeness, and also technical availability and exclusion of errors of the used formats and information. This exclusion of liability is not valid as far as the regulations for administration liability can be applied.
1.2 The exclusion of liability is also valid for all references (so called hyperlinks) which ear directly or indirectly offers on its websites, especially for the contents of the linked pages. ear has no influence on the design and contents of other websites and distances itself from all contents of linked websites and explicitly states that these are not acquired by ear. The references are purely for access reasons. The responsibility for these foreign contents lies purely with the operator who makes these contents available.
1.3 Further, ear is not liable for direct or indirect damage (including lost profits), be they due to usage or non-usage of information from ear websites or from such on external websites.
1.4 There is no liability for damage caused by opening or downloading data with computer viruses or the installation or usage of software.
1.5 All information on this website is no professional legal consultation. Ear does not assume responsibility that the version of a document that is available on the website corresponds exactly to the official version. Only the legislative acts of the Federal Republic of Germany or the European Union which are contained in their official versions are binding.
2. Copyright
2.1 The contents of the ear website are protected by copyright. Nevertheless, ear gives every user the non-exclusive right to store and duplicate provided texts, presentations and picture material completely or partially, as long as this is for their own and directly private or business reasons. It is not allowed to pass contents on to third parties at a charge.
2.2 As long as ear’s internet offer contains ownership rights of third parties which are protected, or points to such, the usage, especially of systematically required programmes of third party suppliers, is unlimitedly subject to the regulations of the owner of the rights. Just because it is mentioned in our internet offer no conclusion can be made that the intellectual property rights of third parties do not exist.
3. Severability clause
As long as parts or single formulations of this exclusion of liablity do not or no longer at all or no longer in part correspond to the valid legal situation, the other parts or formulations of this exclusion of liability remain untouched in content and their validity. A formulation that corresponds to the valid legal situation then takes its place.