Participation in a collection scheme
If you require a registration for portable batteries, you have to prove participation in an approved collection scheme pursuant to the registration procedure.
Each producer of portable batteries or his authorised agent has to install and operate his own collection scheme for waste portable batteries to fulfil his existing collection obligations according to § 5
. This collection scheme must be approved by stiftung ear (§ 7 paragraph 1 BattG).It is possible for several producers/authorised agents to cooperate by installing and operating their collection scheme by appointing a joint third party. To fulfil your collection obligation you can also join an approved collection scheme.
You can find information on which requirements a collection scheme must fulfil at.
You can find the collection schemes approved at.
You can inscribe the collection scheme you have been joining when you apply for a registration for portable batteries in connection with the registration application or in the appropriate area Systembeteiligung BattG.