Fees connected with the registration
Registration fee
For registration there is a fee according to the fee-related matter number 1.1 of the list of fees as appendix 1 on § 1
(list of fees) for each producer, brand and type of equipment. In case of authorised representation according to § 8 this fee is charged for each represented producer, brand and type of equipment represented by an authorised representative.Additionally, you must also expect a fee for the examination of the insolvency safe guarantee or the prima facie evidence.
Application withdrawal fee
If you withdraw a submitted registration application prior to registration being granted, stiftung ear can charge a fee of up to 75 percent of the fee for the efforts already made regarding the procedure – depending on how much effort was involved – according to the fee-related matter number 1.1 of the list of fees per each registration applied for.
Application denial feer
If stiftung ear denies your registration application, you will pay a fee for the efforts incurred – depending on how much effort was involved – that can amount to the amount of the registration fee according to fee-related matter number 1.1 of the list of fees per registration applied for and denied. If stiftung ear has already examined a guarantee or respectively prima facie evidence then the fees for the examination of such will also be charged.
Quarterly fee for registration account holders
The fee according to the fee-related matter number 1.2 of the list of fees accrues for each started quarterly period and each valid registration number. That means also in case of the registration of an authorised representative for each producer.
As this fee is designed als a quarterly instead of an annual fee this takes into account that some producers do not participate in the market the whole year. Nevertheless the overhead costs of the registration portal (ear-Portal) as well as the services provided by stiftung ear to inform private households are born equally by all producers registered according to ElektroG.
Guarantee examination fee
If you are planning to place electrical and electronic equipment on the market that is generally used in private households (so-called b2c equipment) the insolvency safe guarantee you submit is subject of examination by stiftung ear.
Individual proof of guarantee
If you are submitting your proof of guarantee for the first time, as in creating a new individual guarantee, stiftung ear will examine whether the documents you submit (e.g. suretyship certification) fulfil the requirements of an insolvency safe guarantee. For this the fee according to the fee-related matter number 1.4 of the list of fees for each submitted guarantee for one type of equipment and one calendar year is charged.
For the examination of a guarantee concerning the guarantee amount, stiftung ear charges a fee per type of equipment and started calendar year or part thereof in accordance with fee item 1.5 of the schedule of fees.
Collective proof of guarantee
Should you be submitting proof of guarantee of an insolvency safe guarantee by participation in a producer guarantee scheme (collective guarantee), stiftung ear will charge a fee for the examination of the guarantee amount according to the fee-related matter number 1.5 of the list of fees for each examination of an allocation for one type of equipment and one calendar year.
Fee for examining prima facie evidence / Take-back concept
If you are planning to place b2b equipment on the market (electrical and electronic equipment that is exclusively used in other than private households), stiftung ear must examine the existance of a take-back concept as well as the submitted b2b prima facie evidence. For this a fee will be charged according to fee-related matter number 1.6 of the list of fees additionally to the fee according to the fee-related matter number 1.1 of the list of fees for the registration.
If a prima facie evidence check was already performed before the 1st of January 2022 there will be no further charges for later submission of a take-back concept according to fee fact number 1.6 of the list of fees.
Fee for certification of the obligation to register
For the assessment application (certification of the obligation to register) the ElektroGBattGGebV provides sliding-scale fees according to fee-related matter number 10 of the list of fees. The fees are determined by stiftung ear depending on the complexity and effort of the individual case.
Change of the type of equipment
Stiftung ear can – should there be a new allocation of equipment to the types of equipment – change registrations regarding the type of equipment. For this there will be a fee for each changed registration and change according to fee-related matter number 1.15 of the list of fees.
Registration revocation fee
For the registration revocation a maximum fee amounting to the registration fee according to fee-related matter number 1.1 of the list of fees will be demanded.