• - As a marketplace seller you were asked to provide the registration number?

    You are a foreign producer without a German branch and you were asked by a marketplace operator to provide your registration number? Before calling our hotline, please use our detailed information.

  • - As a marketplace seller with a German branch you were asked to provide the registration number?

    You are a producer with a German branch and you were asked by a marketplace operator to provide your registration number? Before calling our hotline, please use our detailed information.

  • - Approval procedure for authorised representatives

    Detailed advisory on the application for approval as authorised representative are now available as download.

  • - Annual report 2021

    Submission of the annual report for the calendar year 2021 is possible from 1 February 2022 to 2 May 2022 in the ear portal,

  • - Annual report 2020

    Submission of the annual report for the calendar year 2020 is possible from 1 February 2021 to 30 April 2021 in the ear-portal.

  • - Fee regulation for 2021

    On 1 January 2021, the new fee regulation on electrical and electronic equipment Act and batteries Act (ElektroGBattGGebV) came into force

  • - New explanatory movies online

    Current market research has shown us that people are quite suspicious of the system of waste disposal and processing. We have produced two movies that ...

  • - Data on determining the guarantee amount as of 2021

    As of 1st January 2020 new data on determining the guarantee amount to ensure the disposal of waste equipment will apply.

  • - Relaunch of www.stiftung-ear.de

    As of today shines...

  • - Cabinet decides on new Batteries Act – registration obligation for battery producers

    On 20th May the cabinet decided on the draft for a new Batteries Act.The law is to pass the Bundestag as soon as possible and shall enter into force as of 1st January 2021.


+49 911 76665-0

You can contact your responsible ear employee directly during his service hours.

Responsibilities and extension numbers